Our Digital Offering

The Lernstatt Paderborn is an initiative of the city of Paderborn as the school sponsor for the digitalization of schools. Each student receives a username and password upon enrollment at our school, which allows them to access their own Lernstatt email account and the Lernstatt Cloud (online storage).

 The access details for this account are distributed by the class teachers.

In addition to the Lernstatt Paderborn, we also use the Anton learning platform at our school, to which every student at GS Lieth has access.

At our school, we work with the reading program Antolin. This program trains reading comprehension and fluency in a motivating way. Children can choose from a vast repertoire of approximately 120,000 children's and youth books based on their interests. Answering quiz questions and earning points provide additional motivation.

                      Here you will find more exciting offers for children.