Current dates 24/25, 2nd semester

Consultation hours (prior registration)


In principle, vacation care takes place on almost all days when there is no school and during half of the vacations.


Easter vacations 


- first week of care, second week closed



Summer vacations 


- first three weeks closed, from Tuesday of the fourth week of the vacation care takes place


(on Monday of the fourth week there is a pedagogical day for the staff)




Autumn vacations 


- first week of care, second week closed





- no care between Christmas and New Year


(depending on the position of the weekdays, there is already no care on 23.12.)



Bridge days 


- Friday after Ascension Day - closed


Friday after Corpus Christi - care takes place



Shrove Monday 


- supervision takes place



Half-year report 


- There will be NO supervision on the day of handing out the mid-year report cards.


This day serves as a pedagogical day for the staff to prepare for the second half of the school year.


We will inform you about the individual days about two weeks in advance via a registration request.